About Me

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Provo, Utah, United States
Welcome to "Miss Mighty Midge" - A place I can share a piece of my heart with the world. Blogging is my joy. I'm a college student trying to carve myself a place in life. I'm small, funny, passionate, and a little shy. Welcome to the stories of my life...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Story of My Life

You know it's been one of those days when you sit down on the toilet and forget to pull your pants down... Please tell me I'm not the only one that's done this.

New favorite song of the week: "Call Me Maybe" (yes, the song is way preppy and way pop. Don't judge me.)

The music video is literally the story of my life. Check it out!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Advancements

Today I realized that I am at the close of my Sophomore year in college. This means I have two years left to do an Internship, research with a professor on campus, take the GRE and apply to Graduate School. Talk about an anxiety attack. I'm looking into Marriage and Family Therapy programs around... well the whole U.S. to be honest. Because I'm such a freak about organization I started a dorky Excel spreadsheet with all of my findings. The last category (among average GPA and admittance rate) is "Distance to Nearest Beach." Gotta love college.

Top Picks for MFT programs right now include: Brigham Young University (that would be so nice just to stay here... especially because tuition is literally one-fourth of the cost of everywhere else), Syracuse University in New York, University of Miami in Florida, and Utah State University in Logan. I'm looking into schools in Virginia because it's my favorite place in the U.S.! I'm also looking into programs in Arizona as well. We'll see. I just feel like... at the moment nothing feels right except New York. Weird huh? Never thought I would end up there!

I feel as though this is happening so fast. But I guess that's what happens when you grow up. I'm not quite ready to leave the little bubble of Provo, Utah and venture out into the world. I guess it's good that I have two more years left.

Unfortunately I don't have anything funny to report - or philosophical. Maybe next time! Wish me luck on the Grad School Search!