About Me

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Provo, Utah, United States
Welcome to "Miss Mighty Midge" - A place I can share a piece of my heart with the world. Blogging is my joy. I'm a college student trying to carve myself a place in life. I'm small, funny, passionate, and a little shy. Welcome to the stories of my life...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Part One: How to Sew a Disappearing Nine

It's time to put the spice back in sewing tutorials. So grab a machine and hold on to your material, ladies! It's time for a Disappearing Nine.

Part One: 
It's important to remember that sewing is universal. Whether ADD... or OCD... sewing is for everyone.

ADD - Brittany

OCD - Brandy

1 - Juice Up Your Creativity
Start by arranging your material into blocks. Three Charm squares across and three Charm squares down. 

2 - Get Ready... Get Pinned... Start Your Sewing Machine!
When you have a block of material arranged, start sewing the rows together.

Pin your Charm squares facing each other and sew a quarter inch from the edge.

Repeat this until you have sewn each of your three rows individually.

3 - It's Gettin' Hott in Here... So Iron All Yo' Rows!
Once your rows have been sewn, iron the seams in opposite directions like so: 



4 - Turn Your Rows Into Blocks
Sew each row together. Again, sewing a quarter inch from the edge.

*Don't forget to iron down your seams as you go! For the individual squares, the seams need to go in opposite directions but the rows on the whole block can be ironed the same direction (see picture above).

5 - Rearrange, Re Pin, Repeat!
Repeat steps one through four until all of your Charm squares are gone!

6 - Cut the  Cheese ... I mean Block!
Now that your squares are nicely arranged and neatly sewed, it's time to make them "disappear!" Cut each block horizontally and vertically, like so:

7 - Design Your Nine
Your squares should now be cute and random. Once everything is cut, start placing them together to form the top of your quilt. Remember: Disappearing Nine Patters can be designed many different ways! Here's a few pictures to illustrate our genius:

Randomized Directions

Largest Squares are Centered

Largest Squares Become the Corners

Thank you so much for following Part One of our "Disappearing Nine" Tutorial! Stay updated for Part Two, coming soon.

And a great big Thank You to:

Brandy Lynn - Sewer, Designer, Blogger

Brittany - Sewer, Designer, Blogger

Kristiana (Mighty Midge) - Helper, Photographer, Blogger, and Author

Be sure to visit brandylynns.com for more amazing quilting ideas!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Under Construction

Miss Mighty Midge "The Next Chapter..." is currently undergoing some renovations! I'm coming up with some brand new ideas and exciting designs for this coming fall. It should be a little different than the current theme - a change of pace to match my changing life! If you've been reading my blog and like what you've read, I know you'll enjoy the upcoming changes. 

Stay tuned!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Divine Signatures

I recently started reading Divine Signatures by Gerald Lund. He discusses from his own experience, and the experience of others, how we can build faith and strengthen our testimony through God's divine signature. This excerpt from the book illustrates Lund's definition of a divine signature:
God loves His children and it pleases Him to bless them, especially when they are striving to do His will. These blessings, also called "tender mercies", come in many different forms and in many different ways. Sometimes, the Lord sends His blessings in such a highly unusual, dramatic, or precisely timed manner, that it might be likened to a "divine signature." It is as though the Lord "signs" the blessing personally so that we will know with certainty that it comes from Him. In doing so, God not only gives us the blessing, but at the same time, He also strengthens our faith and deepens our testimony of Him.
Lund goes on to explain tender mercies in our lives and how we are able to recognize them. He speaks of mercy in the midst of affliction, quoting Doctrine & Covenants 100:15 which states, "all things wherewith you have been afflicted shall work together for your good" (emphasis added). I have personally read this scripture many times. But this time I stopped to ponder. I often think that the trials I have been called to bare are to individually teach me a lesson. Maybe this is not so much the case. As the scripture says, all things shall work together for our good. Perhaps it is the culmination of affliction over the course of life that brings us the good we need. For me it is so hard to see the "good" in mid hardship. I know I am not alone in this. But what I understand now is we often don't see the benefit of affliction until the passage of time has healed our hearts and opened our eyes to the beauty of the refiner's fire. How wonderful this is. What a marvelous mercy God bestows on us, not out of spite, but out of a love so great, our mortal minds can't comprehend. After all, it is life itself that gives us the experience necessary for the eternities.

What a beautiful realization this has been today. Divine Signatures by Gerald Lund (author of the fictional series, The Work and The Glory) comes highly recommended by me! You can find it at a Deseret Book Store near you or online at www.DeseretBook.com. If you are not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and would like to find the scriptures I referenced, you can look them up at www.lds.org, or as always, ask your Mormon Neighbor!