About Me

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Provo, Utah, United States
Welcome to "Miss Mighty Midge" - A place I can share a piece of my heart with the world. Blogging is my joy. I'm a college student trying to carve myself a place in life. I'm small, funny, passionate, and a little shy. Welcome to the stories of my life...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Miracle and The Myth

Well... today in Human Development I witnessed a miracle. ... Otherwise known as Birth. I think it is true what they say about witnessing miracles... my life will never be the same. Anyone who knows me can imply exactly what that means.

So now that I've witnessed a miracle... let's see if I can create one of my own :). Interested yet? I'll start off by giving some background knowledge! In Italy there is a statue of Juliet. Rumor has it that if you rub Juliet's... boob... it will bring you good luck. Well! There is a statue BYU campus of a man and his wife holding hands with their child in the middle. There's a "myth" on campus that if you rub the Wife's ring finger you'll get married! Now I've heard you get married by the end of the month, by the end of the semester, by the end of the year and so on and so forth. So just as any tourist can't help themselves but to rub Juliet's boob...

I kinda couldn't help but to rub this Wife's ring finger! Hey, when in Rome, do as the Romans do right? Well I gave it a good rub about 6 weeks ago and so far not much has happened if you know what I mean! So let's see if the Wife can work her magic! Try and find me someone that looks like Christian Bale!!


  1. I hope you mean the Newsies Christian Bale, not the Batman Christian Bale. Big diff. :)

  2. Admittedly... I like the Batman Christian Bale a lot better... :/ Sorry Stacey!
