About Me

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Provo, Utah, United States
Welcome to "Miss Mighty Midge" - A place I can share a piece of my heart with the world. Blogging is my joy. I'm a college student trying to carve myself a place in life. I'm small, funny, passionate, and a little shy. Welcome to the stories of my life...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Worth of Souls

Church was special today. I felt like all of the talks and lessons were catered specifically for what I needed. It was quite an amazing experience. 

I was sitting in Relief Society, just listening to our president give the lesson when she demonstrated something truly life changing. She pulled out a five dollar bill and asked how many of us wanted this five dollar bill. Immediately hands all over the room shot up. Then she proceeded to crumble the bill. She asked again how many people wanted the five dollars. The same amount of hands went into the air. Then she said, "Well what if I do this to it..." As she put the bill on the floor and stomped on it with her foot. Again, the same amount of hands were raised. What our president said next will stay with me for the rest of my life. She said, "This five dollar bill represents each and every one of Heavenly Father's children. Sometimes in life we crumpled, stepped on and torn. But no matter how dirty, no matter how clean, we never lose our value. No matter what happens to us, someone will always love us because they can see our value and they will still want us because God does." At this time in my life it was such a blessing to remember that the worth of my soul is great in the eyes of God. And that others can see that worth as well. I pray that we will all remember this principle. I am ever grateful to be reminded myself.  

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