My thoughts on social networking are complicated. I don't like social networking. I don't really know why. I think a lot of it stems from not wanting to give in to mass conformity simply because "everyone else is doing it". However, I don't want to get left behind in today's world of fast paced technology. At the same time though... I feel as though social networking is pointless. It's a large waste of time and though it's nice to get in contact with random people you haven't seen or talked to since elementary school... I'm just not sure I'm willing to give in just yet.
I posted a poll for the past few weeks asking people that read my blog if I should join Twitter or not. (The poll proved successful... not). I think for now I'll shy away from urges to tweet :). Call me old fashioned, traditional, out of touch with technology... whatever. I enjoy freedom from conformity.
Love you, and you are a better person for staying away from social networking. Love you!!