About Me
- Midgee
- Provo, Utah, United States
- Welcome to "Miss Mighty Midge" - A place I can share a piece of my heart with the world. Blogging is my joy. I'm a college student trying to carve myself a place in life. I'm small, funny, passionate, and a little shy. Welcome to the stories of my life...
Friday, December 30, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters?
My sisters and I are just a little crazy sometimes. Last night I finally decided to start writing down the funny things that happen during our day. This is what I've got so far:
Ju: Tor! I can't reach my shampoo!
Jigs: Ju, you're supposed to be stretching every day!
Ju: So are you!
Jigs: No I'm not, ju!
Ju: Yeah ya is!!!!
Ju: Tor! I can't reach my shampoo!
Jigs: Ju, you're supposed to be stretching every day!
Ju: So are you!
Jigs: No I'm not, ju!
Ju: Yeah ya is!!!!
Friday, December 23, 2011
New Jeans
I recently went shopping with my Nana. I found myself two pairs of new jeans. So I go back to my aunt's house to try them on again... la dee da... and what do you know? They definitely were a lot longer than I remember them being in the store.
It's a belittling day when you realize you're too short for your short-cut jeans. ... That about sums up my last two days.
It's a belittling day when you realize you're too short for your short-cut jeans. ... That about sums up my last two days.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
I Miss Beaves
Ohio is still great. I started reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I love it! It's really great so far. I finished reading Plain Truth by Jodi Piccoult and I really liked it. I definitely recommend the book to everyone. It was the first Jodi Piccoult book I've read and I can't wait to read more of her stuff.
I bought Beaves her Christmas present yesterday and I'm pretty sure she's going to be so excited she might poop her pants! But I can't reveal any of my secrets online yet because she reads my blog haha, sorry Brittany!
My mom and sisters will be here in a half an hour, I'm so excited!
I miss Beaves! This is the first time we've been away from each other in six months! I feel like my right arm is missing. It feels weird. I miss you, Beaves!
(I recently discovered Jim Gaffigan. Here's a clip I think is absolutely hilarious! Beaves, this is so funny. I think of you when I watch it!)
I bought Beaves her Christmas present yesterday and I'm pretty sure she's going to be so excited she might poop her pants! But I can't reveal any of my secrets online yet because she reads my blog haha, sorry Brittany!
My mom and sisters will be here in a half an hour, I'm so excited!
I miss Beaves! This is the first time we've been away from each other in six months! I feel like my right arm is missing. It feels weird. I miss you, Beaves!
(I recently discovered Jim Gaffigan. Here's a clip I think is absolutely hilarious! Beaves, this is so funny. I think of you when I watch it!)
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Ohio is great! The flight was agonizing, but what flight isn't? I can't wait for my mom and sisters to get here. I haven't seen them in a whole year. It hardly seems possible. I'm sure Jules is probably almost as tall as me and Jiggy probably is as tall as me. Weird. I can't believe that in less than two weeks it will be 2012. Hey, isn't that supposed to be the end of the world? Better make the most of it then right?
Can't wait for Christmas!
Can't wait for Christmas!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
New Video Blog!
Beaves and I finally posted another video blog on Midge & Beaves Conquer the World. Everybody check it out! There's a link at the top of my blog for it :)
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Running Total
Well... I can tell that this coming year is going to be a world of disappointment in the realm of New Year's Resolutions because I have a really hard time sticking to my health goals. I'm supposed to be exercising every day to help with my hypoglycemia... and I may or may not have eaten 6 donuts in the past 24 hours instead of going to the gym... I love myself and I hate myself.
Also! Great news! Today is the second time this week that someone has thought I was 21 or older! This is most exciting because no one ever takes me seriously... on account of my looking like a pre-pubescent teenager. I think I may finally be growing into my face (notice that I said face instead of body... It's kind of hard to grow into your body when you've been the same height since fifth grade). So today I am happy!
Studying for finals this semester is actually going quite well. I started Monday of this week so I've slowly been reviewing everything and I feel fairly confident that exams will go well, if not adequate. Can't wait for Christmas!
Also! Great news! Today is the second time this week that someone has thought I was 21 or older! This is most exciting because no one ever takes me seriously... on account of my looking like a pre-pubescent teenager. I think I may finally be growing into my face (notice that I said face instead of body... It's kind of hard to grow into your body when you've been the same height since fifth grade). So today I am happy!
Studying for finals this semester is actually going quite well. I started Monday of this week so I've slowly been reviewing everything and I feel fairly confident that exams will go well, if not adequate. Can't wait for Christmas!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
That Moment
You know the moment when you realize you're not a child anymore? As a teenager you say it a lot to you're parents... "I'm not a child! Stop treating me like one!" And then you move out of the house and go through a crisis. Mine happened at the laundromat when I realized I had no idea how to do laundry. This was made evident by my white washcloths that had turned green from the lime green towels in the same load. You realize in that moment that you're not ready for life. You can barely do you're own laundry without dying things lime green, how are you ever going to walk out of the apartment you now call home and embark on the rest of your life?! But how refreshing it is to know that lime green washcloths don't last forever!
Yesterday I was sitting in my Human Development lecture - the last lecture of the year for me. I was thinking of my life and where I'm headed right now. I assessed my goals and trajectories for each. And for the first time ever I can say I'm not a child anymore and truly believe it. And in that moment of belief, I saw a world of opportunity around me that I've never seen before. How amazing it is to know that I make my own choices and reap the consequences. How humbling it is to realize that I hold myself accountable for my own actions. How wonderful it is to find that I am in control of my life.
These moments of clarity come at the times I need them most. Lately I've been really struggling with staying calm, really. I get worried about everything and anything I cannot control. I panic when I don't know how things will work out. I become frazzled when I feel as though everything is caving in around me. But then again... who doesn't? But I'm so grateful that I know brighter days are ahead. They may not come for days... they may not come for years... but they will come. I have faith that God is in control of my life when I am not. And no matter what happens, I know that I am strong enough to handle life's challenges. This is quite interesting to finally realize. But it could not have come at a more crucial time.
These moments of clarity come at the times I need them most. Lately I've been really struggling with staying calm, really. I get worried about everything and anything I cannot control. I panic when I don't know how things will work out. I become frazzled when I feel as though everything is caving in around me. But then again... who doesn't? But I'm so grateful that I know brighter days are ahead. They may not come for days... they may not come for years... but they will come. I have faith that God is in control of my life when I am not. And no matter what happens, I know that I am strong enough to handle life's challenges. This is quite interesting to finally realize. But it could not have come at a more crucial time.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
A Many Few Things
Well... my date on Saturday was... interesting. We'll leave it at that :)
I turn 19 in exactly one month. Can't wait to not feel any different. Finals begin next week for everyone on BYU campus except for me! I am taking my first final in an hour and a half. Awesome. I ended up twenty minutes late for my Stats class so I just skipped it. Smart? Eh... probably not but I told myself I would study for my final today. So naturally I decided to blog first. Smart? Definitely entertaining.
I was looking at Graduate Programs today because it dawned on me that I'm nearly half way done with my undergrad already. Weird, huh? I really want to go into Marriage and Family Therapy so I was researching top MFT programs in the U.S. Did you know that BYU is #2 in the entire nation for the most accredited Marriage and Family Therapy Schools? How amazing is that! And these aren't old statistics, it's just from 2010. It was a testimony to now more than ever that God has a plan for my life and I am exactly where I need to be. Sorry, I still can't get over that, it's just too cool to me! I'm meeting with my LDS Marriage and Family professor today to discuss a career in MFT. He owns his own MFT practice here in Utah and I'm very excited to hear what advice he has to offer.
Things are looking up in the near future... and by near I mean next Wednesday when I finally finish all of my finals. Just gotta keep my head on straight until then. We'll see what happens, haha.
I turn 19 in exactly one month. Can't wait to not feel any different. Finals begin next week for everyone on BYU campus except for me! I am taking my first final in an hour and a half. Awesome. I ended up twenty minutes late for my Stats class so I just skipped it. Smart? Eh... probably not but I told myself I would study for my final today. So naturally I decided to blog first. Smart? Definitely entertaining.
I was looking at Graduate Programs today because it dawned on me that I'm nearly half way done with my undergrad already. Weird, huh? I really want to go into Marriage and Family Therapy so I was researching top MFT programs in the U.S. Did you know that BYU is #2 in the entire nation for the most accredited Marriage and Family Therapy Schools? How amazing is that! And these aren't old statistics, it's just from 2010. It was a testimony to now more than ever that God has a plan for my life and I am exactly where I need to be. Sorry, I still can't get over that, it's just too cool to me! I'm meeting with my LDS Marriage and Family professor today to discuss a career in MFT. He owns his own MFT practice here in Utah and I'm very excited to hear what advice he has to offer.
Things are looking up in the near future... and by near I mean next Wednesday when I finally finish all of my finals. Just gotta keep my head on straight until then. We'll see what happens, haha.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
So Beaves, Sean and I went to Denny's this afternoon and the placemats had this activity where you fill in the blank with words you make up and then you read the whole story and laugh hysterically. So Sean was giving us the clues to the word Beaves and I needed to give him so the story would make sense. Here's what we came up with:
Dear Santa,
Is it freezing at the Chile? It's toasty here inside Denny's. I know I already danced you my wish list, but now I farted all these delicious holiday treats and I'd like to add nasty Red Velvet Pancake Puppies. Sure, a G.I. Joe is great, but it doesn't beat Arthur's Christmas Cookie Pancakes. And, I'd love a cute underpants to hike, but the new holiday additions to the Build Your Own Grand Slam will keep me clumsy. I know you've got tons of your mom to do so I'll let you go. Say butt to the elves for me.
Love and Cookies,
Midge and Beaves
We were laughing so hard it was ridiculous! Slightly inappropriate but it was still funny :).
Today was generally uneventful but I am going on a blind date on Saturday :D. Katelyn, who is my very best friend back from middle school, set me up with this guy her date is roommates with so we're all going to the Basketball Game, then out to eat, and then walking Temple Square to see the lights! Needless to say, I am very excited! Also on Saturday I'm going to see my big sister and her baby! I can't wait to see them :).
More to come on Saturday, stay tuned haha!
Dear Santa,
Is it freezing at the Chile? It's toasty here inside Denny's. I know I already danced you my wish list, but now I farted all these delicious holiday treats and I'd like to add nasty Red Velvet Pancake Puppies. Sure, a G.I. Joe is great, but it doesn't beat Arthur's Christmas Cookie Pancakes. And, I'd love a cute underpants to hike, but the new holiday additions to the Build Your Own Grand Slam will keep me clumsy. I know you've got tons of your mom to do so I'll let you go. Say butt to the elves for me.
Love and Cookies,
Midge and Beaves
We were laughing so hard it was ridiculous! Slightly inappropriate but it was still funny :).
Today was generally uneventful but I am going on a blind date on Saturday :D. Katelyn, who is my very best friend back from middle school, set me up with this guy her date is roommates with so we're all going to the Basketball Game, then out to eat, and then walking Temple Square to see the lights! Needless to say, I am very excited! Also on Saturday I'm going to see my big sister and her baby! I can't wait to see them :).
More to come on Saturday, stay tuned haha!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
I try to avoid writing new posts when I'm angry because I don't want to say anything that I'll read in the morning and think, "Why in the world would I publish that online?" However, I believe this is an exception. It has occurred to me - over many past experiences - that I am clumsy. Anyone and everyone who knows me is probably laughing hysterically about now and thinking, "Seriously, Kristi? You're just now realizing this?" So I say to you, "Yes! I am just now realizing this." And it is true that I trip over myself, I'm awkward around new people, I probably speak my mind a little too well and I just can't seem to grasp the concept of a good first impression... but believe it or not... this is not what I'm referring to when I call myself clumsy.
I was sitting in the Wilk today (a building on campus) waiting for Brittany to get done with her class so she could give me a ride home. I was reflecting on the day's past events, and stumbling to label how I was feeling about everything, when my thoughts started turning towards relationships. I don't like to dwell too much on past relationships because I think it's dumb... but today seemed to be an exception. As I was thinking I realized that I really am clumsy - and not only in the traditional way, but with my heart. I finally realized that sometimes I get ahead of myself. My feet move quicker than the rest of me and I end up wiping out! This means I get carried away too fast - I get attached too fast only to find that the proverbial "he" is moving like a snail across fly tape! The next relationship that comes along, I end up moving too slow - apprehensive about wiping out and falling straight on my butt again. I can't seem to trust myself enough to move ahead and by the time I've mustered up the courage to finally take the plunge "he" has realized I'm not what he wants anymore. So then I'm moving along in life and out of nowhere I trip over a rock I didn't even see coming and eat the pavement big time! I relate this to the people who are in your life for about 2.5 seconds before they shoot you down out of thin air. And by this time I'm ready to take the plunge again - ready to finally make something work... and the cycle starts all over again.
Why am I rampaging about my completely depressing love life? Because in my heart I know it's not in vain. And every time I "taste the pavement" I realize two things: 1.) that concrete tastes like bird crap and 2.) I know now more than ever what I want and what I am looking for.
So what is the point? What's the point of seemingly endless torture in the world of dating? I honestly don't know. All I can hope for is that one day I'll find someone who knows how clumsy I am and doesn't care. Where is the man that will slow me down when I get ahead of myself and say, "Kristi, you need to slow it down. I'm not going anywhere."? Where is the man that will pick me up when I can't move my feet and say, "Kristi, I know you're scared and I'm scared too. But we can do this together because together we have nothing to fear."? Where is that guy?
All I know is that for the first time since I was sixteen, I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing in the realm of dating. So I say to all the clumsy people out there... you aren't alone. And if we keep moving forward, we just might learn how to stay on our own two feet along the way.
I was sitting in the Wilk today (a building on campus) waiting for Brittany to get done with her class so she could give me a ride home. I was reflecting on the day's past events, and stumbling to label how I was feeling about everything, when my thoughts started turning towards relationships. I don't like to dwell too much on past relationships because I think it's dumb... but today seemed to be an exception. As I was thinking I realized that I really am clumsy - and not only in the traditional way, but with my heart. I finally realized that sometimes I get ahead of myself. My feet move quicker than the rest of me and I end up wiping out! This means I get carried away too fast - I get attached too fast only to find that the proverbial "he" is moving like a snail across fly tape! The next relationship that comes along, I end up moving too slow - apprehensive about wiping out and falling straight on my butt again. I can't seem to trust myself enough to move ahead and by the time I've mustered up the courage to finally take the plunge "he" has realized I'm not what he wants anymore. So then I'm moving along in life and out of nowhere I trip over a rock I didn't even see coming and eat the pavement big time! I relate this to the people who are in your life for about 2.5 seconds before they shoot you down out of thin air. And by this time I'm ready to take the plunge again - ready to finally make something work... and the cycle starts all over again.
Why am I rampaging about my completely depressing love life? Because in my heart I know it's not in vain. And every time I "taste the pavement" I realize two things: 1.) that concrete tastes like bird crap and 2.) I know now more than ever what I want and what I am looking for.
So what is the point? What's the point of seemingly endless torture in the world of dating? I honestly don't know. All I can hope for is that one day I'll find someone who knows how clumsy I am and doesn't care. Where is the man that will slow me down when I get ahead of myself and say, "Kristi, you need to slow it down. I'm not going anywhere."? Where is the man that will pick me up when I can't move my feet and say, "Kristi, I know you're scared and I'm scared too. But we can do this together because together we have nothing to fear."? Where is that guy?
All I know is that for the first time since I was sixteen, I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing in the realm of dating. So I say to all the clumsy people out there... you aren't alone. And if we keep moving forward, we just might learn how to stay on our own two feet along the way.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
This Thanksgiving Season
This Thanksgiving was wonderful. Rexburg was amazing! It was so great to be back in Idaho with Micah, Linnea, Sabrina and Brittany. Brittany's family was the best as always and the kids were as cute as ever. We celebrated Thanksgiving the day after the actual holiday because Brother Fishback was driving down from Alaska a little later than expected. Micah left for Alaska the day after Sabrina, Brittany and I arrived in Idaho. We were sad to see her leave but it is so exciting that she is with her soon-to-be fiance, David!
Brittany, Sabrina, Linnea, Miss Brandy, Jaime and I went Black Friday shopping on Thursday night at Walmart. It was crazy! People are literally insane. I was just standing in line when some random lady completely ran my foot over! Naturally I gave her an unpleasant look, to which she scowled and said, "Well... You moved!" Excuse me lady?! After shopping we were all famished so Brittany, Sabrina, Linnea and I decided to drive to Idaho Falls to eat at Denny's. It was probably midnight by the time we got there and everyone was so tired and slap happy that I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out.
Our Thanksgiving celebration was awesome! I made pumpkin pies and helped with the gravy. I even had to call my Nana to make sure we were cooking the Turkeys on the right temperature! It's funny that a meal which took all day to prepare only took about fifteen minutes to cram down our throats, haha. After Thanksgiving Dinner we all played Just Dance. It was hilarious. The boys were so funny dancing to Brittany Spears' Toxic. Miss Brandy and Brother Fishback even got up and danced! That night all the older kids watched Part 2 of The Deathly Hollows. I never thought it would turn out to be as funny as it actually was. All of us were cracking "Your Mom" jokes the entire time. Most of them cannot be repeated because of their sheer inappropriateness but we literally could not stop laughing! Then Brother Fishback would pop his head in the room periodically, turn on the lights and say, "Yo mama!" and then walk away! We were laughing so hard our abs were aching the next morning.
As Sabrina and I packed our things up to get ready to leave Saturday afternoon, there was a lump in my throat. I didn't want to leave! We had such a wonderful break. I'm pretty sure that 90% of our time was spent laughing our heads off and strategically farting on each other's heads! In my book, it just doesn't get better than that.
When I said good-bye to everyone, they looked genuinely sad - especially because I won't see them for Christmas. Logan (7 years old) kept asking when he would see me and why I wasn't going to be in Idaho for Christmas! I think he hugged me five times before he let me leave! Sophia was a sweetheart and I promised I would come see her in January. Katie told me to call her which I will! Jameson gave me a hug and I told him I'd see him soon, same with Broskey (Tyler). I thanked Brother Fishback for letting us stay for Thanksgiving and wrote Miss Brandy a nice note because she was still asleep.
So Sabrina and I packed the trunk and five grueling hours of Utah drivers later - we were back in Provo. It's bittersweet to be back... mostly bitter right now. And tomorrow brings with it an agonizing day of classes that can't seem to pass quick enough. *cough.. Statistics.. cough cough*.
How wonderful this Thanksgiving has been. How grateful I am for friends and family. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Brittany, Sabrina, Linnea, Miss Brandy, Jaime and I went Black Friday shopping on Thursday night at Walmart. It was crazy! People are literally insane. I was just standing in line when some random lady completely ran my foot over! Naturally I gave her an unpleasant look, to which she scowled and said, "Well... You moved!" Excuse me lady?! After shopping we were all famished so Brittany, Sabrina, Linnea and I decided to drive to Idaho Falls to eat at Denny's. It was probably midnight by the time we got there and everyone was so tired and slap happy that I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out.
Our Thanksgiving celebration was awesome! I made pumpkin pies and helped with the gravy. I even had to call my Nana to make sure we were cooking the Turkeys on the right temperature! It's funny that a meal which took all day to prepare only took about fifteen minutes to cram down our throats, haha. After Thanksgiving Dinner we all played Just Dance. It was hilarious. The boys were so funny dancing to Brittany Spears' Toxic. Miss Brandy and Brother Fishback even got up and danced! That night all the older kids watched Part 2 of The Deathly Hollows. I never thought it would turn out to be as funny as it actually was. All of us were cracking "Your Mom" jokes the entire time. Most of them cannot be repeated because of their sheer inappropriateness but we literally could not stop laughing! Then Brother Fishback would pop his head in the room periodically, turn on the lights and say, "Yo mama!" and then walk away! We were laughing so hard our abs were aching the next morning.
As Sabrina and I packed our things up to get ready to leave Saturday afternoon, there was a lump in my throat. I didn't want to leave! We had such a wonderful break. I'm pretty sure that 90% of our time was spent laughing our heads off and strategically farting on each other's heads! In my book, it just doesn't get better than that.
When I said good-bye to everyone, they looked genuinely sad - especially because I won't see them for Christmas. Logan (7 years old) kept asking when he would see me and why I wasn't going to be in Idaho for Christmas! I think he hugged me five times before he let me leave! Sophia was a sweetheart and I promised I would come see her in January. Katie told me to call her which I will! Jameson gave me a hug and I told him I'd see him soon, same with Broskey (Tyler). I thanked Brother Fishback for letting us stay for Thanksgiving and wrote Miss Brandy a nice note because she was still asleep.
So Sabrina and I packed the trunk and five grueling hours of Utah drivers later - we were back in Provo. It's bittersweet to be back... mostly bitter right now. And tomorrow brings with it an agonizing day of classes that can't seem to pass quick enough. *cough.. Statistics.. cough cough*.
How wonderful this Thanksgiving has been. How grateful I am for friends and family. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Why I love Christmas...
The number one reason I love Christmas is Will Ferell. Elf is my all time favorite movie and my feelings about this Christmas are best described in a scene from this movie. I hope you enjoy!
~Tis the Season to Be Midgee!
~Tis the Season to Be Midgee!
Monday, November 7, 2011
My Hero
My little sister is my hero. She recently made a video about being Happy. I would like to share it with you all, that we all might be reminded that happiness is strength to endure.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The Road Not Taken
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, | |
And sorry I could not travel both | |
And be one traveler, long I stood | |
And looked down one as far as I could | |
To where it bent in the undergrowth; | 5 |
Then took the other, as just as fair, | |
And having perhaps the better claim, | |
Because it was grassy and wanted wear; | |
Though as for that the passing there | |
Had worn them really about the same, | 10 |
And both that morning equally lay | |
In leaves no step had trodden black. | |
Oh, I kept the first for another day! | |
Yet knowing how way leads on to way, | |
I doubted if I should ever come back. | 15 |
I shall be telling this with a sigh | |
Somewhere ages and ages hence: | |
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— | |
I took the one less traveled by, | |
And that has made all the difference. | 20 |
Robert Frost
I've been reflecting a lot lately on where my life is going, the goals I have for the next few years, and who I want to become. It seems so overwhelming at times - making decisions. Some days I feel as though it would be so much easier if I lived in a fairy tale. I feel like these past two years of my life has been a road "less traveled by." But when things seem most dark, I remember that one day I will look back and know in my heart that it "has made all the difference."
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Today was the best day ever! Sabrina, Beaves and I drove to Rexburg, Idaho to surprise Linnea for her 20th birthday! It was so much fun and now we're here all sitting on Linnea's bed having the time of our lives. We walked around BYUI's campus and it was so great :). Am I contemplating transfering to BYUI?? ... possibly??
So some inspiration for the day... This is the cutest youtube video I have ever seen in my life!
So some inspiration for the day... This is the cutest youtube video I have ever seen in my life!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
I'm so bored...
So today I learned that it takes 44 seconds to drive a mile going 80 mph. It takes Beaves 30.1 seconds to check the mail. Cream cheese frosting looks like mayonnaise when you put it in the refrigerator. And I hate people that pretend to ignore you when you know they can see you!!
Did I learn anything in class today? Not really.
Did I learn anything in class today? Not really.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
A Few Quick Things...
Beaves and I started a shared blog! It is called Midge & Beaves Conquer the World. It's about our life together in college! Check it out, there's a tab that links to it at the top of my blog. Great stuff everyone :)
Also - Mighty Midge Back in School has gone International!! Over the past few months I've had people from Russia, Germany and Sweden viewing my blog :). I don't know if this is real or what but I think it's pretty wicked sweet! So for those of you viewing my blog from overseas, I hope you are enjoying my crazy American life! Thanks for following my blog!
Also - Mighty Midge Back in School has gone International!! Over the past few months I've had people from Russia, Germany and Sweden viewing my blog :). I don't know if this is real or what but I think it's pretty wicked sweet! So for those of you viewing my blog from overseas, I hope you are enjoying my crazy American life! Thanks for following my blog!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
I am beautiful because...
I am beautiful because I reflect outwardly what I know to be true on the inside.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Parenting and Child Guidance
One of my classes this semester is Parenting and Child Guidance. My professor is a graduate student in the Marriage and Family Therapy program at BYU. I really like her; she's really taken a different approach to the course and has given us opportunities to do hands-on learning. Today we role-played parent-child scenarios, implementing different techniques of parenting styles. It was a really fun class and helped me to see how I might react in different situations as a mother.
With this in mind, I decided to apply what I learned in class to every day life. So naturally I used Brittany as my guinea pig! :). We walked home together after class and ate dinner when we got back to the apartment. We finished watching the newest episode of New Girl but afterwards Brittany started getting really agitated. I couldn't figure out what in the world spurred her random burst of anger! She started yelling and screaming and kicking every door in our apartment! This was actually hilarious but I kept my cool and decided to use my new found parenting skills. I told her that just because she was angry did not give her permission to fly off the handle and start kicking things around the house. This made her even more mad and she said, "Stop talking to me! I don't want to talk to you anymore!" (This was all in her mad-but-still-laughing voice). I told her that she needed to calm down and behave like a responsible adult. To which she kept screaming at me! It finally got to the point where I told her that she needed to go take a nap. To which she said, "I don't want to take a nap! I'm not tired!" I told her that she needed to go to sleep because she was being grumpy and she had a date in a couple hours. She kept saying that she wasn't tired so I told her to lay down and shut her eyes and just calm down.
The funny part in all of this is that she actually listened to me! She is sleeping in my bedroom right now! I can't believe it actually worked! ... but now I'm exhausted and I think I need a nap. Welcome to parenting, right?
With this in mind, I decided to apply what I learned in class to every day life. So naturally I used Brittany as my guinea pig! :). We walked home together after class and ate dinner when we got back to the apartment. We finished watching the newest episode of New Girl but afterwards Brittany started getting really agitated. I couldn't figure out what in the world spurred her random burst of anger! She started yelling and screaming and kicking every door in our apartment! This was actually hilarious but I kept my cool and decided to use my new found parenting skills. I told her that just because she was angry did not give her permission to fly off the handle and start kicking things around the house. This made her even more mad and she said, "Stop talking to me! I don't want to talk to you anymore!" (This was all in her mad-but-still-laughing voice). I told her that she needed to calm down and behave like a responsible adult. To which she kept screaming at me! It finally got to the point where I told her that she needed to go take a nap. To which she said, "I don't want to take a nap! I'm not tired!" I told her that she needed to go to sleep because she was being grumpy and she had a date in a couple hours. She kept saying that she wasn't tired so I told her to lay down and shut her eyes and just calm down.
The funny part in all of this is that she actually listened to me! She is sleeping in my bedroom right now! I can't believe it actually worked! ... but now I'm exhausted and I think I need a nap. Welcome to parenting, right?
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
My New Challenge
Check out my new page at the top of my blog! Brittany and I are doing a 10 Day Body Image Challenge together. Track our progress and watch us transforms ourselves! Do it with us and feel the results of positive self-perception.
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your support!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
The Worth of Souls
Church was special today. I felt like all of the talks and lessons were catered specifically for what I needed. It was quite an amazing experience.
I was sitting in Relief Society, just listening to our president give the lesson when she demonstrated something truly life changing. She pulled out a five dollar bill and asked how many of us wanted this five dollar bill. Immediately hands all over the room shot up. Then she proceeded to crumble the bill. She asked again how many people wanted the five dollars. The same amount of hands went into the air. Then she said, "Well what if I do this to it..." As she put the bill on the floor and stomped on it with her foot. Again, the same amount of hands were raised. What our president said next will stay with me for the rest of my life. She said, "This five dollar bill represents each and every one of Heavenly Father's children. Sometimes in life we crumpled, stepped on and torn. But no matter how dirty, no matter how clean, we never lose our value. No matter what happens to us, someone will always love us because they can see our value and they will still want us because God does." At this time in my life it was such a blessing to remember that the worth of my soul is great in the eyes of God. And that others can see that worth as well. I pray that we will all remember this principle. I am ever grateful to be reminded myself.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Random new things I love...
Let me preface this post by saying that I am a huge nerd at heart. I have a giant thing for dorks and I love awkward stupid humor. Tonight we went to see Captain "freakin' gorgeous" America and let me just say that he is my new love. Minus the fact that he was either shirtless or wearing a skin-tight t-shirt the entire movie... I just love everything he stands for!
We started out the night by going to the BYU Hockey game! And by "we" I mean Beaves (Brittany), Topher, Ayne, and William! I absolutely love hockey. I know nothing about the game, I don't know why people get penalties and half the time I don't know where the puck went but it has got to be the most exciting sport to watch! I don't think there's anything more exciting (in the realm of sports) than seeing some guy hip check another guy into the wall and then almost get into a fight! ... call me weird but I think it's awesome. Our team was tied 2 to 2 (with Weber State) at the end of the second period when we had to leave to make it to Captain America. Hopefully we won!
One last random thought for the day - every hour I have to walk around the office that I work in and take a count of all the athletes in the center. So yesterday I was walking around and Daniel Sorensen (one of BYU's Football Players) is walking a little in front of me. He turns around and does a double take and then he says, "Oh! Hello!" with a smile on his face! I was so shocked that it took me a couple seconds to process the fact that he could actually see me and then I said, "Hey!" AND THEN HE ASKED ME HOW I WAS DOING! I was so taken aback that I just walked away without answering... And then... as delayed a reaction as I could possibly have had, I realized that he was still talking to me! All I could think of was, "Why am I socially inept?"
My social ineptitude would best be described from a movie clip entitled Superstar...
We started out the night by going to the BYU Hockey game! And by "we" I mean Beaves (Brittany), Topher, Ayne, and William! I absolutely love hockey. I know nothing about the game, I don't know why people get penalties and half the time I don't know where the puck went but it has got to be the most exciting sport to watch! I don't think there's anything more exciting (in the realm of sports) than seeing some guy hip check another guy into the wall and then almost get into a fight! ... call me weird but I think it's awesome. Our team was tied 2 to 2 (with Weber State) at the end of the second period when we had to leave to make it to Captain America. Hopefully we won!
One last random thought for the day - every hour I have to walk around the office that I work in and take a count of all the athletes in the center. So yesterday I was walking around and Daniel Sorensen (one of BYU's Football Players) is walking a little in front of me. He turns around and does a double take and then he says, "Oh! Hello!" with a smile on his face! I was so shocked that it took me a couple seconds to process the fact that he could actually see me and then I said, "Hey!" AND THEN HE ASKED ME HOW I WAS DOING! I was so taken aback that I just walked away without answering... And then... as delayed a reaction as I could possibly have had, I realized that he was still talking to me! All I could think of was, "Why am I socially inept?"
My social ineptitude would best be described from a movie clip entitled Superstar...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Keep Your Head Up
You know, today just was not a very good day. I was sad today... not for any reason in particular but for a lot of things that seemed to amount to a lot. I think something triggered in my Parenting and Child Guidance class and I just got really sad all of a sudden. I was feeling pretty lonely and a little forgotten when I got to my LDS Marriage and Family class. I said a little prayer in my heart that Heavenly Father would send me an angel to help me out. Just someone to smile or say hello or that I would run into someone that I know. About the time I was saying a prayer, my friend Saley texted me! She asked me if I was doing anything tonight, which I wasn't so we went shopping and then she bought me dinner afterwards. I didn't tell her why I had a bad day, or even that I had a bad day at all. It was just so nice to spend time with her and laugh! Thank goodness for the angels in our lives. Thank goodness for the strength they give us to keep our heads up.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Conference Weekend
This conference weekend has been great for many reasons but mostly because my best friends are here with me this weekend! We have been laughing for 72 hours straight! My abs seriously ache because we've laughed so hard. Last night we went up to West Jordan to stay the night at Sabrina's and Linnea's Grandparents but we ended up getting a hotel room in Midvale instead! We stayed up until four in the morning pretty much just going crazy. We looked at wedding ideas on Pinterest for Micah! Then we finally made it back to Provo and watched movies for the rest of the evening. I was starving for something chocolate so I walked over to some brownies that we made like four days ago in celebration of Brittany catching her first boyfriend. So I walked over and started eating the brownies and then said to Britt, "Hey! These brownies are as old as your relationship." HAHA we laughed so hard I almost peed my pants!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
The Miracle and The Myth
Well... today in Human Development I witnessed a miracle. ... Otherwise known as Birth. I think it is true what they say about witnessing miracles... my life will never be the same. Anyone who knows me can imply exactly what that means.
So now that I've witnessed a miracle... let's see if I can create one of my own :). Interested yet? I'll start off by giving some background knowledge! In Italy there is a statue of Juliet. Rumor has it that if you rub Juliet's... boob... it will bring you good luck. Well! There is a statue BYU campus of a man and his wife holding hands with their child in the middle. There's a "myth" on campus that if you rub the Wife's ring finger you'll get married! Now I've heard you get married by the end of the month, by the end of the semester, by the end of the year and so on and so forth. So just as any tourist can't help themselves but to rub Juliet's boob...
I kinda couldn't help but to rub this Wife's ring finger! Hey, when in Rome, do as the Romans do right? Well I gave it a good rub about 6 weeks ago and so far not much has happened if you know what I mean! So let's see if the Wife can work her magic! Try and find me someone that looks like Christian Bale!!
So now that I've witnessed a miracle... let's see if I can create one of my own :). Interested yet? I'll start off by giving some background knowledge! In Italy there is a statue of Juliet. Rumor has it that if you rub Juliet's... boob... it will bring you good luck. Well! There is a statue BYU campus of a man and his wife holding hands with their child in the middle. There's a "myth" on campus that if you rub the Wife's ring finger you'll get married! Now I've heard you get married by the end of the month, by the end of the semester, by the end of the year and so on and so forth. So just as any tourist can't help themselves but to rub Juliet's boob...
I kinda couldn't help but to rub this Wife's ring finger! Hey, when in Rome, do as the Romans do right? Well I gave it a good rub about 6 weeks ago and so far not much has happened if you know what I mean! So let's see if the Wife can work her magic! Try and find me someone that looks like Christian Bale!!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Vocal Point Groupies!
This season of The Sing-Off Vocal Point is in the competition! I absolutely LOVE Vocal Point and my roommates and I have agreed to become Vocal Point Groupies for LIFE!

Sunday, September 18, 2011
The Shepherd and His Broken Lamb
I have a friend who is on a mission right now. This is his first week serving in Samara Russia. I was writing to him just today and shared a spiritual thought that I want to share on my blog as well.
This is part of my letter to Elder Swartz:
A year ago I was sitting in my Book of Mormon class and my professor shared an experience I will never forget. It's about a shepherd and his broken lamb. My professor, Brother Parker, was in Jerusalem visiting. During his trip he met a shepherd, who carried with him a little lamb. It was clear that the lamb was injured. Brother Parker asked what was wrong with the lamb, to which the shepherd replied, "His leg is broken." Brother Parker then asked how its leg came to be broken. To Brother Parker's great astonishment, the shepherd said, "I broke it." In explanation the shepherd continued, "You see, this lamb is a wanderer. Oftentimes I have found him straying from the flock and getting into trouble. Breaking his leg was necessary. By inflicting pain on this little lamb, I am teaching him that he must never stray. Now my lamb has to rely on me for everything. For without me, he cannot heal. And when he has regained his strength, my little lamb will no longer wander." - How similar this is to our lives. God allows us to be bruised, broken, worn down and tried in order to teach us a greater lesson. Through our afflictions and trials, God pleads with us to rely on Him. For true healing only comes through Him. I know Heavenly Father does not abandon us. It is in our darkest hour that He draws ever closer o us. May we slow down and listen close enough to feel His arms around us and see His blessings in our lives.
The story of the shepherd and his broken lamb is my favorite story. When we stop to understand its magnitude, our understanding of pain will change. Pain is not a punishment. In many ways it is a blessing in and of itself. I hope to never forget that.
This is part of my letter to Elder Swartz:
A year ago I was sitting in my Book of Mormon class and my professor shared an experience I will never forget. It's about a shepherd and his broken lamb. My professor, Brother Parker, was in Jerusalem visiting. During his trip he met a shepherd, who carried with him a little lamb. It was clear that the lamb was injured. Brother Parker asked what was wrong with the lamb, to which the shepherd replied, "His leg is broken." Brother Parker then asked how its leg came to be broken. To Brother Parker's great astonishment, the shepherd said, "I broke it." In explanation the shepherd continued, "You see, this lamb is a wanderer. Oftentimes I have found him straying from the flock and getting into trouble. Breaking his leg was necessary. By inflicting pain on this little lamb, I am teaching him that he must never stray. Now my lamb has to rely on me for everything. For without me, he cannot heal. And when he has regained his strength, my little lamb will no longer wander." - How similar this is to our lives. God allows us to be bruised, broken, worn down and tried in order to teach us a greater lesson. Through our afflictions and trials, God pleads with us to rely on Him. For true healing only comes through Him. I know Heavenly Father does not abandon us. It is in our darkest hour that He draws ever closer o us. May we slow down and listen close enough to feel His arms around us and see His blessings in our lives.
The story of the shepherd and his broken lamb is my favorite story. When we stop to understand its magnitude, our understanding of pain will change. Pain is not a punishment. In many ways it is a blessing in and of itself. I hope to never forget that.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
An "A" in Stats??
The funniest story I have about my Elementary years is when I failed my 5th Grade Art Class. I was a pretty artsy-fartsy type of child and enjoyed art and music. I brought my report card home filled with good grades... except for Art. My mother actually laughed out loud! I remember he making fun of it for a while. I finally fixed my grade (which was a huge misunderstanding by the way) but to this day my mother and I laugh about the only class I ever failed. We tonight I had a very similar experience as I checked my grades online for college. I checked my Statistics class and started cracking up! I immediately called my mother and asked her if she remembered me failing my 5th Grade art class. She laughed and said, "Of course I remember that!" I then told her that I have a 101.6% in my Statistics class. Which is hilarious because I have hated math my entire life and have never been able to understand it. Is it a mistake? Probably. But I still find it absolutely hilarious!!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!... I love you?
Well I wish I could be as cute as Annie and love tomorrow! But tomorrow is the first day of my Sophomore Year at BYU and I must say that I am not exactly looking forward to it. I hope all goes well but I am just not ready for school to start! I just want a couple more weeks to do absolutely nothing. Too much to ask for? Probably.
Brittany and I met our new roommates for this year and they are so sweet. I think we'll have a wonderful time together this year, we shouldn't have any problems getting along.
As for this past week? Well I went on a date Friday night! My first date in quite a while, actually. (I'm not going to admit how long it's been haha). It was with the RM that asked for my phone number in Alaska! I had a wonderful time, it was probably one of my favorite dates :). We went to the BYU Women's Soccer game. (Unfortunately we lost). And then we went back to his apartment and made dirt! It was awesome. I don't think I've eaten dirt since I was five :).
So tomorrow is the end of summer as I know it. Bittersweet. Leaning more towards bitter at this point. Let's pray that my Statistics class doesn't eat me alive!
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